EMxLinks Output

EMxlinks : Reference Page Output, Process No 976266
EMxLinks - Search Engine
Name Ideal
Type Manufacturer [Support]
Address /MapIT Becker Place, Sycamore, Illinois, 60178, USA
Contact /Email Click to email
Tel /Fax Tel: 800-435-0705 / Fax: 800-533-4483
Details /Vendor
Brazil, Metratel Instrumentos Servicos e Comercio Ltda
Further details about Ideal
J. Walter Becker founded IDEAL in 1916 and made a promise that is still an important part of the way IDEAL operates today: "An IDEAL product will provide a value greater than the price paid for it. Service is a part of the product." Becker's foundational principle represents our everyday commitment to you. It's the driving force behind our partnerships with the world's leading distributors, a state of the art delivery system, outstanding customer and technical support and variety of operational benefits designed to save you time and money. It means we're proud of the way we do business.
Further details
EMiSoft © 1997-2014 [Trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.]