EMxLinks Output

EMxlinks : Reference Page Output, Process No 975718
EMxLinks - Search Engine
Name Panasonic Semiconductors
Type Manufacturer [Suppression]
Address /MapIT n/a, Japan
Contact /Email Contact page
Tel /Fax Tel: n/a / Fax: n/a
Details /Vendor
USA (Arizona), Avnet Electronics Marketing
USA (New Jersey), Panasonic
Further details about Panasonic Semiconductors
Under the Panasonic brand and its slogan, "Panasonic ideas for life," Panasonic Corporation provides a wide range of products, from audiovisual and information/communication equipment to home appliances and components, as one of the largest electronic companies in the world today. We endeavor to become a "Customer Value Creation Company" that provides safety, security, comfort and convenience in line with our visions of contributing to a ubiquitous networking society and coexisting with the global environment.
Further details
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