EMxLinks Output

EMxlinks : Reference Page Output, Process No 976254
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Name MIT (Center for Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetics Laboratory)
Type University/Research
Address /MapIT Fairchild Building (38), Vassar St, Cambrigde, Massachusetts, 61801-2991, USA
Contact /Email Contact page
Tel /Fax Tel: 617 253-4600 / Fax: n/a
Details /Vendor
USA, MIT Open Courseware (Electromagnetics) - Download , Course notes
Further details about MIT (Center for Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetics Laboratory)
Electromagnetics is a basic theme within Area IV and underlies most Area IV research, from power to photonics, and most Area IV graduate students either have or acquire some expertise. Beyond the Area IV research specialties discussed elsewhere, there are also faculty who study electromagnetic computational issues, magnetic fluids, meta-materials, plasmas, remote sensing, and sensors, among other topics. Both the electromagnetic subjects and the associated research focus on the complex ways in which electromagnetic fields and waves interact with all forms of matter to produce interesting and useful phenomena and devices that often motivate new mathematical approaches to the problem. Maxwell’s equations and quantum mechanics are the basic tools used, although the research usually has an experimental side as well. Research Assistantships are primarily available in the Research Laboratory of Electronics, the Plasma Science and Fusion Center, and, by arrangement, at Lincoln Laboratory, located in Lexington, MA.
Further details
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